What are we about?
GameplayInside is a blog focused at revealing the mechanics underling games. Thereby making gaming less frustrating and more accessible to everyone. That is why our slogan is: Learn HOW to game!
When creating guides, GameplayInside tries to create a comprehensive but clear overview of the subject. To help obtain this goal we make use of tools such as screenshots, tabs, boxes, etc.
Nowadays GameplayInside also offers reviews and insight into PC gaming related hardware and software (Optimize category).
One thing we are not is a news website with daily updates, instead we choose quality over quantity!
GameplayInside Milestones
December 28 2013
Launch of GameplayInside.com featuring Rift and OpenTTD.
January 2014
1.000 montly pageviews
May 2014
10.000 monthly pageviews
added Tropico 5, Optimize and Review categories
June 2014
50.000 monthly pageviews
August 2014
GameplayInside has migrated to a privately owned server.
October 2014
Migration to Disqus comment system.
February 2015
New daily record 11610 (thanks to Optimize) at February 3rd.
March 2015
New daily record 23927 (thanks to Cities Sklyines) at March 15th.
250.000 monthly pageviews
August 2015
Implementation of CDN (Content Distribution Network)