GameplayInside has updated to 1.4. The content management system (WordPress) and all it’s plugins have been updated to the latest version. At the same time the database has been optimized reducing it from 35MB to just over 9 MB!
Here is a list of stuff that changed…
Design touches in update 1.4
Besides the technical effort some design changes were implemented.
Disqus Comments
I was not really happy with the original comment system. You could post a comment with your Facebook or Google account. However when you came back and entered your information it would not work. Basically does not store your user data so you had to search for a little icon in order login. This was not very practical and did not make a lot of sense.
The new Disqus comment system is widely adopted. Do not fear if you have no Disqus account. It also allows you to login with Facebook, Google or Twitter.

Footer update
The old social login on the footer was replaced with “Become a writer”.

Social sidebar
In order to increase social ‘sharing’ a giant floating sidebar was added. I hope you like it!

New Header with navigation
Some articles have multiple pages and or tags. However associated navigation could be better. This update puts them nicely in the blue box.

New header without navigation
Best part about this update is that it also removes the white gap between the blue box and the beginning of the article when navigation or tags are not needed! This gap was actually 40 pixels so it was hard to miss.

Feel free to contact me though the contact form or in the comments with suggestions.